DrZ’s Final Version 7-11-2023
Introduction Epiphanies of Humanity
Versus DrZ…Let the Debate Begin
Humans Mutilated and Tortured By Aliens
On Planet Earth because of Their Attracting Viscious Aliens From Deep Space
Dr. Hawking Gave You a Warning: “Avoid Contact!”
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Explanation of the Title of DZ’s Short Manuscript
The title of this manuscript that will only require a simple book copyright. It will be nonfiction. Famous epiphanies include Isaac Newton’s realization that a falling apple and the orbiting moon are both pulled by the same force. It took over 300 years for humanity to accept this theory.
A. In June 2017, when DrZ was attacked by the Aliens. He was rushed to the Emergency ward for significant open wounds. Ayada slipped and told the Doctors DrZ was seeing Aliens when asked by the Doctors how this happened.
B. It was mandatory by the Doctors to enter the Psych ward at the Hospital and was released 2 weeks later but was mandated to see a psychiatrist. DrZ saw the Director of University of Maryland Geriatric Psychiatry care from Mid 2007 through 2020. DrZ was prescribed meds prescribed for being delusional and to reduce anxiety.
C. In September 2020, DrZ was admitted into the Hospital for being very drunk and tagged an alcoholic and severe alcoholism that was all driven by the Aliens. DrZ was in detox recovery in a special facility called Future Care in Arnold, Maryland for a month. Ed was asked if he was seeing Aliens still and he lied to get out of the recovery ward. DrZ has not drank alcohol since but involuntarily saw a psychiatrist and now see a Neurologist too but was finally released from the Psychiatrist in early 2021 since the Neurologist had a Psychiatry degree too would take care of me.
D. October 2021 wiring money for Protection collapsed, and DrZ’s entire family said he was delusional along his Attorney and Neurologist. DrZ refused to enter a psych ward for believing that Aliens exist and sending money for protecting his family and the USA.
E. Believing in Aliens has caused DrZ so much drama in his life from people that do not believe at all.
F. DrZ’s latest “New Psychiatrist” Dr. V started in December 2021 was at least willing to listen and be open minded about UFOs, etc.
DrZ’s initial thoughts would use many studies by psychologists around the world trying to unravel why do humans that try intertwining the UFOs and extraterrestrial beings is a delusional reasoning or not.
Also, then why are a lot of individuals around the world still have mixed emotions to really believe and are asking governments to release information that they know to help them decide but the Governments are resisting. Use of the psychological aspect that Governments are so resistant to ensure information of their secrets isn’t leaked could be a major factor that needs research. Ever since July 9,1947 when the UFO crashed in Roswell, New Mexico, questions still rise about whether this changed the minds of humanity about UFOs and Aliens or not.
However, these powerful Governments may know that a much more powerful extraterrestrial force could be or know for a fact these entities exist.
From a psychological aspect by leveraging powerhouse individuals around the world to drive home the answers or drive home the risks for humanity’s existence.
This 50-page estimated Manuscript to be completed and released with the Final Version “7 Years and Counting” and will be linked and be associated with all of the activities and plans of supporting details of “7 Years and Counting “effort. However, It shall be totally independent and Focus on the Psychological aspects of Humans and UFOs.
DrZ’s objective is from a psychological point of view of how humanity contemplates the presentation of information how they, in their minds, accept or deny the realization of UFOs and Aliens and why it takes so long to convince people once facts are conveyed. Also, since humans have built in survival genes that they do not want to die. Therefore, would they want the world’s Governments Military to fight to their death to save the humanity of planet Earth or just stand around and do nothing about Aliens potential destruction of Humanity if the findings reflect unbelievable possibility if this as an accurate and truthful information. As a note, in 2017, Dr. Stephen Hawking had voiced his concern to stop trying to communicate with Aliens in search for extraterrestrial life.
Reaching out to advanced civilizations could put earth in a risky position. There is a probability that Extraterrestrials could be the death of Humanity. Dr. Hawking had major debates with Dr. Douglas Vakoch PhD, a American astrobiologist who was President of METI International, nonprofit research and educational organization devoted to transmitting intentional signals to extraterrestrial civilizations. Dr. Vakoch is world renowned and a psychologist.
Dr. Vakoch and candidates from SETI, NASA, and other global organizations that are sending signals into the Universe potentially attracted these Vicious Extraterrestrials to Planet Earth. The interviews and the need for global recognized person that is a psychologist or any other very educated individuals that strongly disagrees that UFOs and Aliens exist and do not offer any threat to Humanity must take place as soon as possible. Time is not on Earth’s side!
This should get some global attention. Post globally an eBook and setup a global accessible website. Test one draft posting on the new website first to see if the Aliens do or do not attack the manuscript.
2.Risk to Proceed: Should be Minimal.
3.High RISK Area
Marketing strategy will need to be unique and not the standard way or the message will only trickle out since 34% of Americans does not consider UFOs as a major security threat exists yet 65% do believe they exist. Large gap to overcome for the believers but not for the non-believers.
No Doubt, this will be a very interesting research project that will result into DrZ’s World of Truth
The Objective” Recognition of Those on an Unbelievable Mission that Really Occurred very shortly after the 9-11
The Objective” Recognition of Those on An Unbelievable Mission that Really Occurred
very shortly after the 9–11 terrible event in the USA.
“If only the World had been told and took immediate action on the real-life profound Extraterrestrial Alien’s warning that occurred in “The Objective” a noticeably brief time after 9–11 in 2001
Would we be facing a significant Human Race extinction today, twenty (20) years later? The handful of members on this horrific mission are real heroes to provide evidence that vicious Aliens existed in 2001.” A Movie about this historic event unfortunately was not made public until 2008. A military special operations team, led by a CIA Case Officer, are on a mission in a harsh and hostile terrain of Afghanistan. After 9-11 a radioactive heat signal was picked up by a USA reconnaissance satellite above the Afghan mountains. Afraid Bin Laden and Al Qaeda may have nuclear weapons, CIA Agent superiors dispatched him on a secret mission to determine the source. This movie is now on Netflix and other Streaming services or purchase a DVD on Amazon or other distributors.
The real events that occurred in 2001 are too coincidentally linked to the current 2021 through now 2023 issues with Invisible Aliens but also new Alien Races has joined the Invisible Aliens today but at a significantly higher level of complexity.
Please view this 2008 movie and then read
the 5 Years and Counting and you will be very irritated and want these world leaders to take immediate collective action. We still have a very slim chance if we act immediately on a global level for one immediate connected plan to Stop the Aliens (STA).
In the 1951 Movie, “The Day the Earth Stood Still” Michael Rennie (Klaatu) had to stun the world to get humanity’s attention, so he shut down all electricity. This background insight from the 1950’s is probably the same today even though the UFO landed in Washington D.C. Let the analysis figure

Aliens 2021
January 2021:
It was this event that alerted those individuals that operate in a world of surreptitious non-disclosure to come forward and personally talk to Dr. Z since they want to support Dr. Z’s objectives and protect him and Ayada and their children from these Aliens. A truly win-win situation for the Nowaks.
April 2021: DAILY LOG NOTE (Beginning of Alien Shape-Shifting Begins)
Time and Date: 11:20pm last night on April 18, 2021:
Dr. Z was awakened by something and immediately saw “Puzzled Looking Young Man Alien,” A Mirror sized face under the lampshade next to the bed in full color.
The “Young Man Alien” still had this puzzled look, and the black in color-looking mask that covered parts of his nose and the rest of his lower face was blacked out.
This “Young Man Alien” was just here the night before. He had not changed at all. Dr. Z kept talking to him but slowly so he could comprehend his voice and what he talked about. His goal was to ensure he was comfortable listening to him. At very timed intervals, Dr. Z would ask if he was well, and Dr. Z allowed time for this Alien to show expression or eye movement.
In the beginning, this “Young Man Alien” seemed comfortable and did like to listen and express emotions at times. Dr.Z, too expressed kind and gentle emotion since he felt compelled to try all means possible to gain as much information about the “Young Man” as possible.
At about 12:41am on that morning, April 19, 2021, Dr. Z could really tell that the “Young Man Alien” was getting uncomfortable and puzzled looking again. He looked to his left multiple times, very strongly with both eyes really wide-open, staring at something… then all of a sudden, a partially visible Alien extended one of its arms that had sharp claws at the end, holding a short injection tube
toward the face of the “Young Man Alien.” The Alien inserted the injection tube through the blacked-out mask-looking area into the “Young Alien Man’s” mouth. Dr. Z really saw this happen. Dr. Z tried multiple times to capture this event on video with no success. It was too dark to capture that moment without turning on the lighting feature using the iPhone.
Now Dr. Z understood why the Alien was here the night before resetting the lamp location nearer to him. It was planned all along that “Young Man Alien” would return, but his stamina failed, and help was immediately
provided by the “Helper Alien” to revive the “Young Man Alien.” There will be many more theories about what could have been plotted or not. Dr. Z kept talking with “Young Man Alien” and now “Helper Alien” throughout the ordeal. Either way, the Young Man Alien” did regain an extremely limited amount of his prior partially normal behavior before he and the “Helper Alien” slowly departed at 1:17 am today (April 19, 2021). Dr. Z waved goodbye and stated that “I wished them both well.” Believe it or not, it was an emotional sequence of accounts for Dr.Z.
Overall, this sobering incident was 1 hour and 36 minutes in length in its continuous entirety. There were no gaps! Dr. Z’s heart was beating so fast from exhilaration… It was incredible!
Similar events went on for 2 more months until the Aliens were confident that they had created a human-looking Alien.
PS: And all throughout this event, “Lefty the Alien” and “New Righty the Alien,” both large and powerful Invisible Aliens were pulling on Dr. Z’s legs, bending backward his toes, and tearing into his cotton socks throughout – nonstop!
Aliens 2021

August 13th, 2021 (Friday the 13th) “A Day that will live in Infamy)”
6:15am Dr. Z woke up and saw across one of the walls in the bedroom a complete artistic black and white viewing of Elephant sketches walking through small wooden structured enclosures and bulldozers doing the same on metal constructed buildings.
Dr.Zlooked puzzled; what does this all mean? There was a message here by the Aliens that Dr. Z needs to figure out as soon as possible.
Dr.Z tried taking photos of the wall filled with sketches and no words, but nothing would show on the pictures at all. Dr. Z was totally frustrated. This happens repeatedly. It is very frustrating for Dr.Z. He didn’t share with his team members since they would not understand either.
Dr.Z was scheduled to have a 7pm Zoom secured encrypted call meeting with one of his team members, and he immediately lost sound on his PC; and something shocked him very hard on his left fingers, and he was not touching anything, yet it felt like electricity or something else. Something was telling Dr. Z to stop trying to fix the sound, and he wasn’t touching anything; then, a real sudden powerful electrical shock hit all his left set of fingers.
At 8:25 pm, Dr. Z received an urgent notice that a significant war attack was occurring by the Alien Assassins made up of a thousand 2 and ½ foot diameter Black Spider Aliens that was sent by the Supreme Leader. Immediately I turned off the PC as instructed. Dr. Z mentioned to his vital team member that Ayada and I are praying so hard for my vital team member and all the other team members that are caught up in this war. Ayada and Dr. Z love them all.
At 9:23 pm, The message came back: “So long as the memory of certain beloved friends lives in my heart, I shall say that life is good.” “And they who for their country die shall fill an honored grave, for glory lights the soldier’s tomb, and beauty weeps the brave.” “Our nation owes a debt to its fallen heroes that we can never fully repay.”
At 9:25pm, Team Leader and Mr.A we are the only ones left alive; 28 people were killed by the Huge Spider Assassin Aliens.
9:26 pm, The new team, which was just hired, they all have been brutally killed by the Alien Assassins.
At 9:28 pm, a Team member saved Mr.A, and they were immediately evacuated from a European City. Source is helping us to evacuate. Ayada and Dr. Z love them, and Mr.A and tears of sorrow were running down their faces in shock, and only God can help. Both Ayada and Dr. Z ask God to Please Stop this suffering of those wonderful people.
At 9:29pm, Another Team member locked himself in a bunker. He was safe, but the Huge Alien Spider Assassins were still looking for him but was still safe.
At 9:30pm, a Team member locked himself in a bunker contacted Dr. Z via cell text messaging since he did not want to make a sound. “The team member said that all around him were killed in seconds. I told the team member that Ayada and Dr. Z were praying so hard to escape the attack.
9:32pm, An Eastern European Country that was helping our team members lost 11 people in the Alien attack.
9:34pm: Key Member indicated to Dr. Z and Ayada that there are 23 of his capability in the world, and 14 were killed. Only 9 remaining.
9:38pm: Key member indicated to Dr. Z that it was in heavy heart to say that the person you and the other team members cherish the most lost his child and 2 guards in this attack. This was a significant heart-breaking incident for Dr. Z to hear, and broke down crying along with Ayada.
Those remaining that survived this horrendous attack all went to various countries around the world to unknown secured and safe areas. One of the key team members was immediately hospitalized
August 14th, 2021 A Very Disheartening Day
11:25 am, Discussion with Key Team Member, Dr. Z said he did not know what to say. He was so thankful to the Key Team Member who ensured that Dr. Z and Ayada was safe and secured. The Aliens stopped placing notes the same day they posted the bulldozers on the walls, kicking them down. The graphics by the Aliens represented their attack was going to break down buildings etc., no matter what it took to get to them. This was really a metaphor that the sketches the Aliens posted in Dr. Z’s bedroom in the morning was associated with this massive attack. Their new nickname will be tagged: “Bulldozer Assassins.”
Also, it was noted that all the computer operations were compromised (fried). Key Team Member contacted one of his teammates, who was still in Europe, working on an incident report, so the team could analyze what went wrong, what was the cure, and identify the Invisible Alien’s next plan.
Last words from Key Team Member: “Unfortunately our governments have 0% interest on this matter and establishment don’t want our people to see this, that’s why this news is not even cast on TV.
These were just a few examples of what occurred in 2021. There was so much more that you would not believe what was happening to this planet.
As a Strong Warning to the world:
Many lives have been lost in 2021 from various countries that continue to protect their country by protecting the world in a global collaborative plan. These Invisible Aliens initially appeared a couple weeks after September 11th, 2001, in the Afghanistan Mountains, which is clearly displayed in the Movie “The Objective.” Aliens are using the same techniques today and now have much more capability, and a complete “Mob-Fia(®)” Organization has been established. Then they appeared 15 years later with the Nowaks. They are so advanced it is like the current capabilities today fighting the earliest known humans, Homo Habillis, who lived 2 million years ago. These Aliens come from an Anti-Matter Galaxy. Their weaponry using Anti-Matter is something that nuclear physicists find extremely hard to study and measure; therefore, to understand after a century ago that Anti-Matter was first proposed to exist.
June 2023 Monthly Aliens Summary Report
Mid-June 2023 was DrZ’s 7 Year Anniversary with the Aliens 24/7
10% of DrZ’s Entire Life with Aliens. 60% During his Retirement!
No month goes by without being physically concerned of being attacked or waves of potential Assassins trying to get to DrZ through the protection layers. Since August 2022, the Reptilian, Octopi and now the Grays joined the Invisible Aliens and continue their joint physical, cyber, missile attacks and mind control attacks threats. However, in the Month of June 2023, the level of serious Alien issues has increased dramatically, and Safety and Security measures were immediately undertaken. Please review June 2023 Lowlights and Highlights
June 2023 Lowlights:
The first appearance of a new “Wave Form Alien” occurred on June 14, 2023 at 5:58 AM behind Dr.Z’s house. Please see the attached PPT chart. And Video #…8245 mp4. These Wave Form Aliens have now been captured around and inside the house by the infrared motion detection ARLO cameras. These captured Wave Form episodes now continue daily.
June 17, 2023, at 5:50 AM a Shapeshifter Alien transforms into a human form. Please see the attached PPT chart. Under the Lampshade Events Never Stop! Ugh!
June 23, 2023, at 12:12 AM the ORBS “Go Crazy” when a lonely Deer looking for food appeared between DrZ’s house and neighbors. Please see the attached Videos #s …6156 and ….2356. The lonely Deer ate most of the flowers and Hosta’s in our court in less than a few days. Even Zinda’s knock-out roses were eaten! Ugh!
June 30, 2023, at ~6:15AM_ DrZ witnessed, when just waking up looking at the ceiling above him in bed, a lot of Grey Colored fast moving Elephants (Over 12) that were pushing hard on a tied-up, with large rope from knees to chest, ~ 6-8 humans. The Humans looked very frightened. Please review the PPT chart and Word Document attached associated with this horrendous event.
After an extensive analysis conducted by the ••••• •••••••• team over the weekend, we have received a forensics report indicating a heightened risk of an alien attack within the month of July 2023.
Given the seriousness of this threat, we must take immediate action to ensure the safety and security of our organization and all personnel. It is of utmost importance that we exercise extra caution and implement necessary measures to protect ourselves. A Special report, with significant immediate actions to take, was generated accordingly.
Entity was observed.Follow the Circled Areas BSTRANGE ORB & WAVEFORM IN BACK OF DRZ HOUSE. June 14 2023 5:58 AM.DrZ’s ARLO Video Camera was still activated at the timeWatch the Video Captured ORB Zooming out of the Evergreen and Waveforms from Invisible elow:

June 17, 2023 5:50 AM DrZ Bedroom. ~2 Minute Shapeshifter Into Human Face Episode.
All in Color. No Sound. DrZ Laying in Bed and was waking up when he noticed that an Alien Created Very Realistic Face Appeared. The Face was not viewing any emotion under the, next to the bed. Lampshade. It was staring directly at DrZ and then opened its eyes a little larger like it was going to come after me. Yet, Its Head was still while its eyes viewed left to right very slowly but its eyes returned focused on DrZ.
DrZ talked to the Shapeshifter Human for a while but the face had
No emotion and kept staring at DrZ until all disappeared.

On 6-30-2023 at ~6:15AM_ DrZ Saw when just waking up looking at the ceiling above him in bed a lot of Grey Colored fast moving Elephants (Over 12) that were pushing hard on a tied-up with large rope from knees to chest over~ 6-8 humans. The Humans looked very frightened.
This immediately reminded DrZ of Friday the 13 of August 2021. That was Horrifying losing 28 Agents to 2.5 foot Alien Spider Assassins.
The overall event kept going for at least 30—45 seconds than disappeared. There was no sound and was in color. There were no repeats.

July 2, 2023, 11:51AM Urgent! More Information about the Elephants Episode
This morning, DrZ, lying in bed, he was still thinking about the Elephants episode.
Then I closed my eyes and saw in my mind the images again and noticed the
that the elephants in the Aliens episode were all wearing Howdahs but the baskets on top that carried
humans were not visible – non-existence.
Alexander the Great, Carthaginians, Romans and several African civilizations all used war elephants at one time or another
A howdah, or houdah (Hindi: हौदा, romanized: haudā), derived from the Arabic هودج (hawdaj), which means “bed carried by a camel”,
also known as hathi howdah (hāthī haudā, हाथी हौदा), is a carriage which is positioned on the back of an elephant, or occasionally some
other animal such as a camel, used most often in the past to carry wealthy people during progresses or processions, hunting or in warfare.
It was also a symbol of wealth for the owner and as a result might be elaborately decorated, even with expensive gemstones.

Historical General Information:
For DrZ the observations of the continuing Orbs, UFOs but now the partial replacement of daily ORBS and UFOs with “Stroboscopic Multicolor Shapeshifters “continues. This new technique serves as new Intelligence Gathering Alien Technology, aka “SMS.” However, the Aliens has released on Saturday, May 28, 2022, a “Thin Light Bending (TLB) Alien Technology that appeared almost every month but in 2023 the level of that unique intelligence gathering has dramatically subsided.
Aliens’ motivation for the phenomenal amount of tracking and intelligence gathering of Dr.Z and Zinda went way beyond again any anticipation since there was only one UFO tracking on December 22, 2021, and nothing Zinda and Dr.Z know about prior. Only the Orbs were daily present besides the three (3) Aliens (Lefty, New Righty and Calm-Quiet Alien) with Dr.Z since May 2022. However, starting in mid-February 2022 through December 2022, Dr.Z was experiencing electrical shocks around all parts of his body, especially the fingers. This was the same type of shocks he received on Friday, August 13th of 2021, when the Supreme Invisible Alien Leader sent its 2 ½ Foot Diameter Alien Black Spider Assassins and killed 28 members of our team. Unfortunately, starting in January 2023, the level of intensity of pain from these electrical shocks, especially on the bottom of DrZ’s feet are growing exponentially and continues to occur nearly 24/7 every day. DrZ had a major health incident on January 28, 2023, at 11:00 PM. The root cause of what caused the Massive Heart Angina Attack that provoked 2 minor strokes was never determined despite all kind of medical tests with the last 2-hour Echo-Stress heart test available was successfully completed on April 28, 2023. Could this Alien driven severe electrical pain pattern be the cause? DrZ says “YES”! Unfortunately, Forensics has validated this issue.
Aliens 2022
3 times since TBM, Alex tried to launch his manuscript (book) to alert the world and each time the Aliens stopped the process by various means.
- It wasn’t until July 2022 that the book was finally released and posted on Amazon. A week later, the entire Kindle books area on Amazon, had its servers wiped out. Yes, the Aliens. Amazon security has been working with Alex’s security team members ever since.
The Supreme Leader for years wants Alex assassinated. The Leader blames him as the single person that started all of this to tell the world about their plans.
Since his team’s technical expertise has leaped ahead of the Aliens in order to protect all on the team, the effort is moving fast and furious (enhanced Marketing plans, etc).
Looking backwards, the Aliens have been with him and Ayada 24/7 since mid 2016. Alex has had no relief at all nor Ayada.
Aliens 2023
Mid 2023 was DrZ’s 7 Years Anniversary!
10% of DrZ’s Entire Life with Aliens. 60% During his Retirement!
No month goes by without being physically concerned of being attacked or waves of potential Assassins trying to get to DrZ through the protection layers. Since August 2022, the Reptilian, Octopi and now Mehtagius Aliens and the Grays joined the Invisible Aliens and continue their joint physical, cyber, missile attacks and mind control attacks threats. However, in the Month of July 2023, the level of serious Alien issues, such as massive cyber-attacks and Assassination attempts has increased dramatically.
Starting in mid-February 2022 through December 2022, Dr.Z was experiencing electrical shocks around all parts of his body, especially the fingers. This was the same type of shocks he received on Friday, August 13th of 2021, when the Supreme Invisible Alien Leader sent its 2 ½ Foot Diameter Alien Black Spider Assassins and killed 28 members of our team. Unfortunately, starting in January 2023, the level of intensity of pain from these electrical shocks, especially on the bottom of DrZ’s feet are growing exponentially and continues to occur nearly 24/7 every day. DrZ had a major health incident on January 28, 2023, at 11:00 PM. The root cause of what caused the Massive Heart Angina Attack that provoked 2 minor strokes was never determined despite all kind of medical tests with the last 2-hour Echo-Stress heart test available was successfully completed on April 28, 2023. Could this Alien driven severe electrical pain pattern be the cause? In May, 2023, it was confirmed through extensive scientific means that the Massive Angina Attack that triggered two minor strokes were caused by the Aliens. This was Shocking News!

Aliens 2023 Wrap Up
Extremely Powerful Warning to Anyone that may have self-serving interests and even nauseating thoughts!
To those that want to abduct or hurt Dr. Z and Ayada or their Family or any Team Leaders or any of the Team members, this is a Harsh Warning! The Pets that are with them 24/7 are Family members that would rather be with us than the Supreme Invisible Leader, and these are equivalent to Rottweilers and Velociraptors and will always protect them. As a reminder, the Aliens are Invisible and can go through any material and can transport themselves to any place on this planet in microseconds. They know where the Nowak’s are 24/7.
USA Attack ***** *** ****** Aliens Lost this Battle… but they will be back!
7 Years and Counting
The to be the most infamous 2023 Manuscript That Highlights a Supreme Leader and its
Invisible and Visible Aliens are Here…
To Clear the Entire Planet Earth of all Humanity!
Knocking out entire source of electricity is one of their First Objectives
Global, Medium and Small Business Organizations and households, tools, appliances, etc.
Are Not Prepared
1.Overall, any size of an organization on this Planet Earth that is Generating Electricity, Distributing and Using Electricity are not prepared!
2.Overall, any organization on this Planet Earth that requires Cyber Security Protection that requires electricity to protect their Entire Computer System(s) and Customer Data, etc. are not prepared!
3.Anything you can imagine that requires electricity is fried.
4.Countries with Administrations that include Energy Planning are not prepared.
5.Electricity generators by major type and share of total annual U.S. electricity generation in 2019 is noted below: https://www.eia.gov/energyexplained/ele ctricity/how–electricity–is-generated.php

Despite Global Change: Coal, Oil and Gas are still the massive requirements that are the primary global consumption source.
To make gasoline requires heating the crude oil
in a boiler that requires electricity…
Aliens 2023 Wrap Up
Extremely Powerful Warning to Anyone that may have self-serving interests and even nauseating thoughts!
To those that want to abduct or hurt Dr. Z and Ayada or their Family or any Team Leaders or any of the Team members, this is a Harsh Warning! The Pets that are with them 24/7 are Family members that would rather be with us than the Supreme Invisible Leader, and these are equivalent to Rottweilers and Velociraptors and will always protect them. As a reminder, the Aliens are Invisible and can go through any material and can transport themselves to any place on this planet in microseconds. They know where the Nowak’s are 24/7.
USA Attack ***** *** ****** Aliens Lost this Battle… but they will be back!
7 Years and Counting
The to be the most infamous 2023 Manuscript That Highlights a Supreme Leader and its
Invisible and Visible Aliens are Here…
To Clear the Entire Planet Earth of all Humanity!